What lies ahead for recruitment in 2012?

The way people think about work has changed in the past two years. People prefer work bringing value and satisfaction to work that pays them the most financially. Workers are more and more interested in flexibility and possibilities to enjoy their own lifestyle. Regarding these trends, a recruitment site ere.net forecasts five trends that are expected to happen in recruitment this year.

1. Strengthening of internal recruitment

When filling vacant positions, companies will increasingly focus on internal resources that are already familiar with their corporate cultures. Emphasis on developing the skills of current employees, so that they can be easier moved to new functions, will strengthen as well.

2. Shift of social recruitment to mobile devices

External recruitment will be increasingly conducted on mobile devices - everything from branding, through screening to interviews. It will bring increased need for implementing recruitment applications for mobile platforms using social media. Traditional sites listing vacant positions on employers' websites will become obsolete.

3. Just-in-time search and recruitment

The trend of shifting recruitment from static databases to social media will continue to grow. Traditional databases and talent pools will be replaced by online forums and communities. The entire recruitment campaigns will be implemented in a matter of days or weeks.

4. Growth in the number of contingent employees

The trend of employing more people part-time or on th e basic of other contracts that increased during the economic recession will continue to grow. Demand for flexible forms of employment grows both among employees and employers. Thus, returning to the original model of purely non-contingent employment will not be realistic.

5. Beginning of applied analyses

Demand for more suppliers of analytical software tools for HR will increase. Companies will put more emphasis on tracking data during the whole process from sourcing potential employees to finding opportunities to increase employee retention.


Article source ERE.net - Recruiting Intelligence. Recruiting Community.
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