How to strengthen the ethics of Gen Yers


In connection with the youngest generation of employees, the so-called Generation Y or Millennials, employers often complain that these workers do have a quality education and technical skills but they lack the work ethic. If you feel it the same way, read the following strategic tips to enhance ethical behavior of the emerging generation of workers. The tips were published on

Review key values to require from all your employees

Compile a list with descriptions of no more than ten corporate values. Start with nonnegotiable values such as honesty, reliability, respect and professionalism.

Review the recruitment process in relation to corporate values

Watch your values ​​in the work history of job applicants.

Review the process of training in relation to corporate values

It is not enough just to mention the values. Incorporate them into your training programs on a daily basis.

Actively integrate corporate values ​​into corporate culture

For example, start meetings by giving participants some space to describe how they  recently acted in accordance with corporate values ​​in their daily work or when meeting with customers.

Celebrate work ethic

Talk about examples of ethical behavior, reward and publicly praise the specific cases.


Article source - Solutions for Employment, Safety, and Environmental Compliance
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