How to enjoy more fun at work


How many of your employees go to work to enjoy a little fun? If not many, you should change it. Employees who live in constant tension become paralysed and lose the ability to be decisive and creative. To be inspired by examples from real practice, read the recommendations for releasing the atmosphere in the workplace from, an American online seller of sun-shading technologies. won the Best  Place to Work award in Houston.

Arrange competition in worplace decorations

Allow individuals to decorate their workspace according to their taste or challenge the whole departments to chose one common decoration topic. Customer Service Department at chose the topic of extreme sports and teh Accounting department chose pirates searching for treasure.

Use colors

Paint your workplace. It's cheap and your space will be happier.

Hang movie posters

Use film posters to decorate walls but past photos of your employees over the photos of the actors.

Hold celebrations

During the whole year, celebrate all the holidays. Organise a dinner, a carnival...

Celebrate successes

Celebrate successes together at lunch or other meals. Free food is a great motivator.

Equip a break room with games

Set up a break room where employees can spend their breaks and equip it with games -  board games, video games or sports facilities such as ping pong.

Hire a professional photographer

Allow him to spend one day with you and take pictures of your workplace. Photos can then be hung out at your receptin desk or in the lunch room.


Article source - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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