How (not) to manage a learning organization


The term "learning organization" refers to the concept of management based on encouraging employees to continuous development to secure continuous development of the entire organization. CLOs may, however, commit unnecessary mistakes that are breaking their learning organizations down. explains what mistakes they are.

1. Failed transition from tactical to strategic thinking

Newly promoted CLOs must quickly learn to think strategically. They have to understand that the director's job description differs significantly from the work of education managers. Your goal does no more involve only education itself but building strategic relationships within the organization, managing executives, financial resources and performance.

2. Securing funding for educational programs at the last minute

You success in developing the educational function of your organizations begins with securing necessary funding. In practice, however, corporate training programs and often developed many months before CLOs receive funding from senior management. If they do not obtain it, both them and their teams were just losing their time in recent months.

3. Trying to do everything yourself

The so-called principle of subsidiarity means in legal terms that a central authority should decide and act only in cases where lower authorities cannot make more effective decisions and actions. The same applies to the learning organization.

4. Excessive weakness

CLOs should be strong personalities who can cope with pressure and to sell their strategic educational products to their companies. Their role is both functional and political. They must be foresighted and build their influence through relationships and results.

5. Too much bureaucracy

Reducing bureaucracy to a minimum should be one of the CSO's main aims. Do not waste your resources on unnecessary reports, meetings, evaluations and processes. Analyses should be fast and clear.

6. Blind introduction of latest trends

When thinking about implementing hot news in corporate training programs, you should always be cautious. Focus on long-term strategic programs that will bring real benefits.

7. Selecting e-learning to develop senior managers

E-learning is certainly an effective tool for the development of certain jobs and responsibilities. It is, however, not the best choice for executive development. And it is not a suitable solution for developing managers in times of tight educational budgets either.


Article source Chief Learning Officer - a U.S. magazine and website focused on L&D
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