Five certain ways of spoiling an interview


You have a great CV and your chance has finally arrived – you are invited for an interview. There are, however, plenty of things you can do to blow it. The Mashable site offers advice on what to beware of.

  1. Take telephone interviews seriously. Very often they come before an in-person interview and the recruiter wants to make sure that you are the one to invite. Prepare yourself and make sure that there is nothing to disturb you.
  2. Do not talk about other job opportunities. This might seem obvious, but it actually happens quite often. Being too honest could harm your chances.
  3. Do not say too much and avoid long stories about yourself.
  4. Do not talk negatively about a previous job, previous employers, clients, or colleagues. It raises the red flag and you could end up closing the door on a better position.
  5. There is nothing wrong with self-confidence, but avoid being arrogant. You are unlikely to impress anyone by saying you are better than they are.


Article source Mashable - a digital media website
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