Can you stop sales people turnover?


Struggling with an increased turnover of sales people? Then you should not ask how you can maintain good sales people, but why you are not able to keep them. It may be a deeper problem than it seems at first glance. After all, sales people are not leaving when people demand your products and sales volume rises to dizzying heights. When your managers start talking about the need to improve sales people retention, focus on your entire business environment more deeply. advises to look for answers to these questions:

What is happening in your market?

If your market consolidates or your products are become obsolete, customers are increasingly looking worse. Diversion customers demoralize your business. Keeping your company should follow the market very carefully and not to focus only on solving the problem of leaving traders, but on product development and marketing.

What do seniors leaving traders?

A thousand times repeated phrase that employees are not leaving because of the company, but because his superiors are still valid. Focus your attention on why business managers, teams and their behavior towards subordinates. Money over the long term abuse wins.

Would you like to do merchant in your company?

The problem may be in the corporate culture or from dealers. A culture that makes traders, only to meet quotas, soon discouraged. Also deter bonuses paid only on commission. Try to empathize with the role of dealer in your company and imagine what treatment by the company to expect.

You can stop the turnover?

Successful traders in their jobs through a natural cycle. In the first year to teach with enthusiasm about the products, market and sales opportunities. In the second year found a foothold and begin to reap the fruits of their hard work. The third year, however, comes a time when they know the products they can sell them and easily exceed the quota set out. Then begin to look for new opportunities and you have to offer them.


Article source Salesopedia - website that offers everything on sales
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