How to lead a diverse team


Growing diversity of the workforce force leaders to develop new leadership skills. What should therefore your managers know about diversity in order to effectively manage their teams? According to theyshould follow four basic procedures:

Not to judge

First you need to know that what one person feels like illogical and inappropriate behaviour may be normal for another. Therefore, learn not to judge hastily.

Recognize different perspectives

No opinion or point of view should be considered a priori correct. Show your people clearly and publicly that you want to hear different opinions. Listen to and evaluate different views.

Arbitrate superficial differences and establish common standards

Differences in behavior are inevitable in a diverse team. Therefore, work with the whole team, share your views on how you should work together and agree on common rules for solving common situations. You can start with the time and place of work and of course with the means of communication.


Formulate your messages to the team members in a way that makes sense for each individual. Speak his/her language and use the media they prefer.


Article source Diversity Executive - a U.S. magazine and website focused on diversity
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