5 tips for stressed recruiters


Working as a recruiter can be very stressful if you do not plan your work properly and cannot properly deal with stress. It is very difficult for stressed recruiters to manage their interactions with stressed job applicants, clients and colleagues. Thus,  how to reduce a recruiter's stress?

1. Start to plan your working day

You may be surprised how large amounts of stress you will get rid of when you come to the office knowing your priorities for new day. Start with how many phone calls you shoukld handle.

2. Accept the fact that you cannot predict everything

You really cannot control everything that happens during the day, but you have full control over the way you react to the unexpected events. Keep a positive attitude.

3. Write down your stressors

Writing about your own feelings is a fundamental therapeutic technique. Try to write what stresses you the most. Perhaps it will no more be so bad.

4. Make your life more simple

Simplification is a very strong motivational technique. Think about what you actually need and use in your job and get rid of everything else. Implement the 80/20 rule. Since 80% of the problems in your life are caused only by 20% of things, activities and people, get rid of these 20%. You can start e.g. by cleaning your desk.

5. Keep on learning

You may be stressed because you have ceased to learn and develop. Just as the economic environment, the demand for workforce and the behaviour of job applicants is changing, you should change too.


Article source Recruiting Trends - recruitment news and analyses
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