How and why to use LinkedIn for recruitment (2/2)


More and more companies are using social media to search for the best talents for their vacancies. A fundamental change in recruitment and especially in the executive search has been brought by LinkedIn. It seems that the popularity of this professional social network was not threaten even by the mass hack of the passwords of 6.5 million LinkedIn users which occurred in early June. (LinkedIn apologized for this mistake, asked users to change their passwords immediately and ensure stronger protection for passwords using the protection technique called salting.) therefore came up with ten recommendations on how to use LinkedIn for search and recruitment. These are the second five:

Do not spread spam

LinkedIn allows you to import databases of email addresses and thus to address users on a large-scale. However, use this tool very carefully. Send only information on relevant vacancies and be careful not to do it too often. You could be considered a spammer.

Do not approach unknown users directly

As users of LinkedIn, you will automatically see the second and third level contacts (friends of your friends) who you've probably never met in person. Do not address these users directly. Select one of your direct contacts to introduce your. You will look more credible and more professional.

Interconnect contacts from other sources

Connect on LinkedIn with potential employees who contacted you through other channels. Even if they are not hired finally, the connection with them will bring you a broader base of potential talents for your needs.

Get others' attention

Present your business professionally to build up a strong position. When you begin to develop your recruitment campaign, you will gain a greater response. Ideally, candidates will be finding you themselves.

Monitor your vacancies

Regularly watch how your vacancies are presented on the Internet and how easy it is for visitors to find them. The results of such monitoring can help you improve the way of your presentation on LinkedIn.


Article source The Recruiters Lounge - a US blog focused on employment
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