The "Internships in companies" project launched


Internships in Companies - Education by Practice. That is the name of a project currently launched by the Further Education Fund (FDV), a state contributory organization of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic. The project is financed by the EU Operational Programme Education for Competitiveness, the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs informed a press release.

The project will enable job seekers to get the necessary experience to find a job easier. For companies it will be a way to train new employees so that their skills meet the demands of employers. The internships are meant for graduates without experience, long-term unemployed, people returning to the labor market (eg. mothers after maternity leave) but also for the employed who want to deepen their skills. It is expected to create up to 150 individual templates of internships.

The main objective of the project is to introduce an innovative system of further education through internships in companies and increase employability of the Czech citizens in the labor market. "Overall, the project will educate five thousand participants. We expect the launch of the first internships as early as in September this year, the whole project should be completed in the autumn of 2014," said Jaromir Drabek, Czech Minister of Labour and Social Affairs. "Providing internships should be an attractive way for companies to attract skilled workers. The project should therefore help to anchor the way of further education through internships into the Czech legislation." One internship will last between one to six months.

For more information for companies as well as people interested in an internship, please visit the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs website here .


Article source The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic - official webite of the ministry
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