4 steps to more effective performance interviews


Regular discussions on employee performance represent a very valuable tool not only for the development of  companies as a whole but especially for the relations between superiors and subordinates. However, the discussions should be lead not to be a waste of time for both the parties invoved. Therefore, teach your managers to create an appropriate environment and atmosphere for the interviews. Trust is essential.

Ensure a balance of four basic elements of trust

Trust in the performace interview is based on four elements: 1) integrity of all behavior, 2) expression of interest and respect regardless of circumstances, 3) agreement on common goals that will bring benefits for all stakeholders and 4) ability to perform each person's specific roles.

Change the focus of the interviews

Discussions of performance tend to focus on specific individuals and the necessary changes in their behavior. However, if you focus on work processes and environments the individuals work in, they can be much more effective.

Offer more independence

Employees will be more open if you give them greater control over their own destiny. Try to give your people the maximum opportunity to make decisions independently.

Help your people to the mastery in their field, not just performance

If employees focus only on performance, they can do things they would not do otherwise and that they may not be proud of. This will harm you in the long term.


Article source ezinearticles.com - newsletter articles from various fields
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