Good recruiters are both hunters and advisors


Every year there are new tools, technologies and platforms to push recruitment in companies to the so-called next level. However, even the best tool will fail when recruiters lack the basic skills having remained the same regardless of modern technologies. In addition to be able to communicate well, work hard and be a team player, every recruiter needs the skills listed below. Do you and your people have them?

Selling skills

Recruitment is a form of sales when recruiters are selling employment opportunities to job seekers as well as selling the selected candidates to their clients (managers) in the company. Recruiter must be a salesperson with all what it takes.

Ability to create and maintain relationships

Almost anyone can call around a database of people. Recruiters should, however, not miss the ability to show an open, communicative and friendly attitude toward candidates to build a closer relationship with them. Only then  the company can become an employer of choice.

Thinking like a hunter

The ability to hunt and hold on until the end of the hunt is invaluable in recruiting. It does, however, not mean that the recruiter should open an online job portal and watch it all day. It is necessary to hunt in all possible channels.

Thinking in wider context

A recruiter should observe how individual candidates fit into the corporate culture, what value they can bring and where they can fit perfectly in the company even if you do not have such a vacancy.

Consistency in contacting job applicants and other interested parties

A recruiter should be in ongoing contact with applicants and managers and inform them about important news as soon as possible. Late or no contact only damages the employer's name.

Ability to listen

Although many people do not understand it, recruiters should listen first and then speak. This is especially true when communicating with managers they are getting the requirements for vacant positions from.

Advisory nature

Building long term relationships with executives requires recruiters' consulting skills in order to introduce the methods and processes used for recruitment. A good recruiter acts to the clients as a trusted advisor.

Pleasant bevariour and availability

In both personal and telephone communication, recruiters should always be polite. They should also not avoid answering to e-mails and phone calls.


Article source - Recruiting Intelligence. Recruiting Community.
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