Recruiting is like dating


What does dating have in common with recruiting? According, there are a lot of such things. You can increase the success of your recruitment by following the basic principles of dating. What are they?

The first impression counts

Try to stand out from the competition. Do not play the role of a person who has a great position for a candidate when you have not spoken with each other yer.

Do not believe everything you see

You may have experienced the situation when you acquainted with someone on the internet and the person looked completely different in reality. The same is true for job seekers. Therefore, do not expect anything in advance. Check candidates thoroughly before you will introduce them to potential supervisors.

Do not show your desperation

The more you will beg the candidate to come for the interview, the weaker will your bargaining position be.

Choose well

People do not change. Pay attention to warning signs in the form of the candidates' weakness.

Get ready well

Do not waste the time of job seekers who have properly prepared for the interview, by not preparing yourself. You should try to find out as much as information about the candidates as possbvile in advance.

Do not talk too much about yourself

Allow the candidates to talk more than you. You will then better find out what they can offer, what they need and define the expectations of your further cooperation. If you immediately let the person sitting in front of you know that he/she is the best candidat, his/her requirements - e.g. financial - will suddenly increase.

Do not stop communicating after the first meeting

Lack of communication is a big problem in recruiting. Candidates will welcome information on each substep.

Feel free to stop in time

Carefully check the candidates, ask them hard questions and be honest with them. If they do not fit your needs, advise them how they can improve or who can assist them in the labour market.

Increase your chances by going where you can find the people you are looking for

If you are looking for technological talents, participate in technological events and activities in your market, for example through professional organizations.


Article source - Recruiting Intelligence. Recruiting Community.
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