"Stress is everywhere" and other myths about stress


You have surely read, heard and experienced much in connection with stress. However, the same erroneous assumptions about stres are repeated over and over again, stressing us even more. What are they?

Stress is the same for all

Each person reacts to stressful situations differently. Someone withdraws, someone is afraid, someone explodes... It is important to know how you react  so that you could manage your behaviour accordingly.

Stress is a bad thing

Definitely not always. It helps us to survive dangerous situations and motivates us to finish our work. it starts to be bad when there is too much stress at once.

Stress is inevitable

Most people think that stress is everywhere nowadays and we cannot do anything else than to learn to live with it. That is, however, not true. Everyone can find his own strategy to find at least a while without stress during the day. There are many possibilities - from time management to dividing complex tasks into smaller parts.

The best-known tips for reducing stress are the best

In fact, it is the best for anybody to find his own way to stress reduction which will match his personality and life style. If we all practice yoga, stress will not disappear from the world.

I do not have any symptoms and so stress does not affect me

It can take many years for chronic stress to start taking its toll on the human body. Prevention lies in building healthy stress management habits in advance.

Minor symptoms need not be addressed

Fatigue and headaches are important warning signals. Again, they are showing you that you need to find your own stress management system.


Article source Psychology Today - a U.S. magazine and online community focused on psychology
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