Smart companies welcome individual potential but reward performance. Previous leadership successes are therefore a strong indicator of future success.
Bad leaders know everything
They are not willing to learn from others and grow personally. One of the strongest indicators of great leaders is a constant curiosity and interest in what is happening across the organization.
Bad leaders can't communicate
Leaders must be able to communicate across various media, personalities and environments. They should also know how to listen actively.
Bad leaders think that everything revolves around them
They don't realize that they can be good only to the extent to which their subordinates want to be led by them. Strong ego, pride and arrogance are not positive leadership qualities Empathy, humility and kindness, which some leaders mistakenly considered weaknesses, are.
Bad leaders lead everything and everyone the same way
They can't adapt their style to specific situations. They aren't sufficiently open in their thinking and rather give commands instead of closer cooperation. They avoid changes and innovation, which leads to stagnation of both their teams and entire companies.
Bad leaders don't perceive customers
They don't care for the needs of the market their companies operate on and don't think about how to incorporate the views and needs of their customers in their plans.
Bad leaders don't invest in their people
They don't realize that subordinates doesn't care what their leader knows until they know how much their leader cares.
Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website