2013 - Year of non-traditional talent management


Companies are trying to find and make use of all the factors that can help them to a competitive advantage by attracting and keeping talent. Year 2013 will therefore be a period of rapid introduction of "non-traditional" approaches to communicate with talents and strengthen their engagement. According to the Talent Management website, the following trends will occur primarily:

1. Traditional performance evaluation will step back

Employees will be evaluated more frequently than once a year and not only in pre-scheduled times. It is necessary to respond in real time and improve the provision of feedback.

2. Money is really not everything

Although there are still employees who want to be rewarded only with money, here is also a growing group of talents among who are interested in non-financial benefits - especially from the category of work-life balance and personal development.

3. Rules for using social media are needed

Companies will begin to pay more attention to how to define where the confidentiality of corporate information ends within the use of social networking and how an acceptable employee communication on Facebook or Twitter should look like.

4. Succession planning will be even a greater priority

Investments in succession planning for key positions on the top of companies will increase. Managers responsible for talent management will focus on how to better manage and communicate personnel changes - both internally and externally.

5. Versatility will be more important than specialization

While the most specific employee skills have been valued in recent decades, there comes a time when companies will value more versatile talents who can handle multiple tasks.


Article source Talent Management - U.S. magazine and website for talent management and HR professionals
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