Employer branding strategy step by step


Attracting and retaining talent is becoming a key competitive advantage. Organizations are therefore shifting their interest in the area of personal marketing from short-term recruiting to long-term employer branding. According to the ere.net website focused on recruitment, an employer brand building strategy consists of the nine following steps:

1. Understanding business objectives of the company

First, you should base your actions on the long-term business needs of the company. You have to understand what competencies your company needs to fulfill its objectives.

2. Identification of target groups

Define the difference between the current and future talent according to the company's business objectives and key competencies. Clarify how many of your resources you will need to invest in acquiring new talent and how many in keeping the existing ones. Then define your target groups.

3. Understanding target groups

Focus on what is attractive for your target groups. You should also know how each group looks at your company and communicate with them accordingly.

4. Optimizing your employer value proposition

The foundation of all your internal and external communication with talents should be the so-called value proposition. That means to set your communication to reflect the topics that will be attractive, credible and sustainable for  individual target groups.

5. Choosing KPIs and setting goals

Focus on KPIs to measure the attractiveness of your company for the target groups and association with the brand.  Then specify your annual goals to monitor continuously according to them.

6. Optimal communication mix

Choose communication channels depending on what stage of talent management you want to focus on. You need to know at what stage of the decision making process the individual target groups are.

7. Development of the annual plan

Use all the above points to write down your annual plan so that it is clear what activities and when the company has to implement.

8. Development of communication of ideas

On the basis your employer value proposition and the selected communication channels, develop specific ideas on how to reach the target audience and differentiate yourself from the competition.

9. Implementation and modification plan

Once you know the specific form of communication you want to use, start with the implementation of the plan. Regularly monitor KPIs and feel free to modify them based on your business requirements.


Article source ERE.net - Recruiting Intelligence. Recruiting Community.
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