10 mistakes of hiring managers


Many managers who are hiring new employees to their teams probably don't know the Czech proverb which says that "when catching a bird, you have to sing to it nicely." Otherwise, they would probably not be repeating the same mistakes and unnecessarily losing quality job seekers. Ten such mistakes were highlighted on TLNT.com.

1. They consider dismissed employees as second-rate applicants

They forget that many good people have lost their work in recent years without committing any mistake.

2. They talk too much

Managers should certainly describe their expectations. After that, however, they should listen carefully to the applicants.

3. They treat the applicants without respect

They come late for pre-arranged meetings with the applicants or do not come at all. They do not realize that what seems like a detail plays a vital role.

4. They deter the applicants

Every job has its pitfalls. Managers should, however, not try to talk the applicants out of their desire to enter the company.

5. They pretend interest

At the end of interviews, they do not say what they really think because they feel uncomfortable. It could,  however, be helpful for the applicants to learn what they can improve.

6. They talk only about themselves

They broadly describe what they require from the ideal candidate but they are not able to explain the applicants what they are offering and why they should accept it.

7. They are mainly interested in money

Thea base their hiring decisions on the information on how the applicants were paid in their past jobs and how much money they want now.

8. They use discriminatory questions

They ask for age and other personal information that should not serve as the basis for hiring decisions. Whether consciously or not, they behave unprofessionally or even illegally.

9. They arrange too many interviews

They invite applicants for different days to have interviews with different people from the company, which reliably deters the best of them. Ideally, all such interviews should be held in one day.

10. They do not contact selected applicants for a long time

They select an applicant whose employment will start after a certain period of time but do not contact him in the meantime. Then they can not be surprised when he changes his mind about the job.


Article source TLNT - a U.S. blog for human resource and talent management leaders
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