Talent development myths


More and more companies are talking about talent management as their major priority. However, when developing their talent development programs, they often repeat the same mistakes. Are you sure that you are not among them? Get to know the following five myths of talent development pointed out by consultants of the Talent Savvy Manager LLC consulting company on smartblogs.com.

1st Myth: Development concerns only the best talents

A company which develops only the so-called high potentials limits it own potential and growth.

2nd Myth: Development is not related to performance

Many companies still approach employee development and performance measurement as two separate categories. Then, they should not be surprised that their efforts to achieve higher performance does not pay dividends.

3rd Myth: Development is an HR issue

Yes, HR and top management give the initial impulse. However, managers and their daily work with employees play the key role in talent development.

4th Myth: Development requires substantial investment in employee training

No training or other educational tool can succeed in a company without active involvement of managers.

5th Myth: Getting to know something new is the same as learning it

The objective of development is not to learn new things but to apply them in practice in order to help with meeting corporate objectives. As already mentioned above, the most effective talent development in a company is carried out every day by managers.


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