Measure, measure, measure


If human resources want to play a strategic role in a company, they need clear metrics to prove the company that they can achieve it. While this idea is not new, the question is why human resources still don't use metrics more often. Is it so difficult? According to, human resources are rathermaking excuses. The most frequent excuses include:

1. We have no analytical brain in HR

If there is really nobody who can work with numbers and analytical tools in your team, address an analyst in another department such as among accountants.

2. We don't know what we should measure

There are many possibilities. Start by asking this question: What are the three main issues addressed in your company or HR department at the moment? Then search for metrics for these problems.

3. Senior management see no sense in measuring HR

Then you have to convince them about the opposite. Start slowly with small things and present your senior management what you have measured and why it makes sense to continue.

4. We would have to painfully look for different data in different places

You certainly don't think that all things will fall into your lap already completed. On the other hand, however, you don't have to always use all the data sources you have in the company. Choose according to the type of a specific measure.

5. We have no time for measuring

With such an approach, you will never have it. On the contrary, analytical tools for measuring HR activities are one of the things you should pay a lot of attention to.

6. We have tried it, but nobody used our results

Don't get discouraged by negative experience. It will take a while for you to find the right way to measure HR. And work on your presentation skills, too - sending results to your top management by e-mail is not enough.


Article source HR Morning - American portal for HR managers
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