5 steps to a more strategic role of HR in the post-crisis period


The time when the economy is recovering from the recession is the right time for HR to move towards a more strategic role in companies. The thing is that HR plays a key role in how companies can return to growth - by finding and developing talents, building their employer brands or strengthening employee engagement and productivity. How specifically can human resources get more involved in a company's strategy? Richard Brown, Managing Partner of the British consulting company Cognosis, focused on this question in his recent article on the HR Magazine website. He recommended the following five steps.

1. Think strategically and commercially

Don't be just experts in HR, be corporate leaders and develop leadership in the company.

2. Act based on the company's commercial agenda

Connect the HR agenda with the commercial agenda of the company. You have to understand the commercial strategy and the related challenges better and more deeply.

3. Learn to communicate and build contacts within the company better

Great opportunity for HR lies in connecting different parts of the company with the company's overall commercial strategy. Communication plays a vital role.

4. Improve your analytical skills

Learn to speak the language of finance and operations - such as your leaders whose titles are CEO, COO and CFO are speaking.

5. Focus on HR developmental needs

Develop your HR people in strategic thinking, business operation, financial analysis and project management.


Article source HR Magazine - a leading British magazine and website focused on HR
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