The art of mentoring, or how to train high-quality workers


„Mentoring“ is, even today, still often underrated, much to the harm of many companies. In Czech, the term is often translated as „training“ or „supervision over younger employees“. In its wider meaning, mentoring refers to sharing of experience and know-how between employees on various levels. In terms of successful running of an organization, mentoring is absolutely substantial as the potential of workers is fullfiled in its entirety only if they share their skills with their colleagues. In this way, mentoring also plays a key role in coaching of those who will once lead your company. The article "9 Tips for Mentoring Next-Generation Leaders" at summarizes the most important tips for successful mentoring in this way:

  • Do not forget that experience and knowledge flows both sides – do not make the young employees just listen, but let them come up with their own suggestions. In this way, you will take full advantage of both the innovation of the often more initiative younger generation, as well as of the much-needed know-how and experience of their older co-workers.

  • Studies have shown that informal mentoring leads to better results. Your support should primarily focus on those instances of mentoring that have appeared spontaneously.

  • The mentoring system should be adjusted to the needs individual generations. While the old face-to-face method might be most effective with the older employees, the younger generation may best utilize online systems or social media.

  • Mentors from outside of your company can be a good contribution. These may be top managers of an affiliated company, but even sharing experience with their peers can be very helpful for your employees.

  • In your organization of mentoring, do not strictly stick to the professional hierarchy in your company. Even a junior worker can share his experience in a certain field in which he excells with senior co-workers.

  • Focus on relevant skills. Each company is different and each needs a different set of skills to be run successfully. Find the key skills your employees should have and cultivate them in particular.


Article source OPEN Forum - U.S. website and community of small entrepreneurs
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