Study: Forget about "superhero" leaders


For decades, companies have been trying to find a "perfect leader." However, it has finally become apparent that there are no such leaders. Companies are starting to realize that today's business world is so complex that one type of leader who is able to handle everything does not really exist. The effort to find an ideal style of leadership in companies is being replaced by focusing on developing leaders who are able to apply different styles depending on the situation. At least this is according to a study by Deloitte entitled Global Human Capital Trends 2013 mainly involving HR managers from more than 1,300 organizations in 59 countries, including the Czech Republic.

The study revealed the following three reasons behind this trend:

1. Different markets

Until recently, companies were interested mainly in developed markets. Although these markets were located in different parts of the world, they were almost the same. Today, companies must learn to operate in markets that are fundamentally different socially, economically and technologically.

2. Constant uncertainty

Companies that were used to operating in a relatively predictable market environment, have to face a precarious future. They are starting to build their leadership development strategies accordingly.

3. Rapid obsolescence

The contemporary business environment is so dynamic that innovation is a matter of course. Your competitors need just weeks or months to make the whole business of your company obsolete.

According to the conclusions of the Deloitte's study, companies should focus on the following steps:

1. Do not try train superheros

Focus on diversity in leadership. Create your base of leaders with different skills, styles and experience. Move your people into leadership roles to make the best use of their unique skills.

2. Develop resilience and adaptability

Your leaders must be able to adapt to an unpredictable environment that is rapidly changing. Support them using training, coaching and other development tools. Feel free to rotate your leaders across various countries.

3. Promote innovation

Successful companies are prepared to come up with innovation, even though it may jeopardize their current products and business models. Leaders must have courage to do this. Then they can lead the direction the whole industry takes.

4. Do not be afraid about conflicts

Your leaders must know that conflicts are not a bad thing and so they should not avoid them. They should encourage all employees to learn that they can openly express their views to motivate one another to be more creative.

The entire study is available for downloading on the Deloitte's website: Global Human Capital Trends 2013. The part focused on leadership development can be downloaded here: Leadership.Next: Debunking the superhero myth.


Article source Deloitte - multinational company providing audit, tax, consulting, enterprise risk and financial advisory services
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