6 questions for job seekers in finance

Are you looking for inspiration on what to ask candidates seeking work as financial experts? Questions on their financial expertise are obvious. However, with the help of theundercoverrecruiter.com, we have prepared a summary of questions to help you determine whether the candidates sitting in front of you have the right enthusiasm, ethics and prerequisites to fit into your corporate culture.

What is your main motivation?

The answer to this question will show you whether the candidate is motivated primarily by money or by the finance industry itself.

What can you bring us that the other candidates cannot?

Here you will verify the level of the candidate's self-confidence. The aim is also to allow the candidate to describe his or her specific skills in the field.

What problems have you dealt with in the past?

Another question about self-confidence. It will show what the candidate considers a problem in the field and how able he or she is to overcome problems.

How would your former colleagues and superiors characterise you?

Here you can verify the likelihood of the candidate fitting into your corporate culture. You should, of course, then verify the response for yourself with his or her former colleagues.

Are you interested in other fields as well?

This question will help you determine whether the candidate specialises in finance or whether he or she is just trying various possibilities and in fact has other priorities. You should look for a passion for finance.

What stocks would you invest in?

Give the candidate the possibility of choosing only one particular company. You will see whether he or she rather tends to take risks or to play it safe.


Article source The Undercover Recruiter - popular British recruitment and career blog
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