Trends in internal communications


What are the current trends in internal communications? Answers to this question were recently published on Let us summarize the trends and ask more questions: Which of these trends are you already using or planning to use in your company? Which of them do you agree with and which do you think are meaningless? Can you see some other trends?

Mobile technologies

Employees commonly bring their smart phones and other mobile devices to work. Do not take this as a threat but as an opportunity to communicate with them more.


Video has already helped a lot in internal communications and this trend will continue. More and more companies are introducing internal video libraries and give employees the opportunity to comment on individual videos and share them.

Employee engagement

Successful businesses know that good communication contributes to higher employee morale. They focus on possibilities to give employees more opportunities to express themselves and be heard.

Social software

Implementing a social network in a company is relatively simple. However, it is much more difficult to motivate employees to use it.

Possibility of monitoring other workers´activities

Your employees should be able to monitor what their colleagues or superiors currently deal with. You can publish the latest activities e.g. on the main page of your intranet. Encourage sharing, responding, etc.

Connecting with customers

Internal communication teams activities are more often preparing activities to connect employees directly with customers. These activities include solving various problems, answering questions, identifying needs, etc.

Visual communication

Pictures are known to attract more attention than a written text. Therefore, pictures are also shared more often and will increasingly be used for storytelling.

Printed communications

Internal communication of the near future will not include only intranets and mobile technologies. There are still workplaces where employees do not have access to computers.


Elements of a game have already proven very effective in advertising or in education. It is gaining an irreplaceable position in internal communications too.

Measuring the impact of internal communication

More attention will focus on how the individual communication channels are perceived, on their consumers and impact.


Article source Ragan's PR Daily - news, advice, and opinions on the public relations, marketing, social media, and media worlds
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