The end of traditional job postings?


Zappos, the online retailer, employing approximately 1,500 people, selling footwear, clothes and fashion accessories, is one of the leading companies applying freedom at work. We recently wrote about the company when it abolished traditional managerial functions and introduced a new method of management called holacracy. Now, Zappos announces another innovation, particularly in the area of recruitment. And again, it sounds radical: "We have turned off job postings!"

Stacy Donovan Zapar, who is responsible for employer brand building at Zappos,  recently confirmed the end of traditional job posting in an article on the LinkedIn social network. She explained that the essence of high-quality recruitment is in building relationships, not in publishing job offers. Zappos therefore established a new career site which is being promoted through social networks and which aims to share the culture of the company, information about its people, workplaces, ways of working, etc. in order to attract talented people who could become future employees.

At the same time, the so-called Zappos Insider program was launched. People can register with the program to keep in touch with the company, communicate with its people, show their enthusiasm and present themselves as  potential employees. From now on, the company will choose candidates for specific vacant position only among the "insiders". Recruiter will no longer have to  go through piles of resumes and send rejection e-mails. They will be able to focus on actively attracting talent within the program, communicating with the participants and proactively building the talent community.

"What do you think, can it work?" asks Stacy Donovan Zapar. What do you think?


Article source LinkedIn Pulse - LinkedIn blogging platform
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