Do not use video only in advertising and training


Video has become a standard marketing tool that helps promote brands and their products and build customer relationships. It is also being applied more and more for internal purposes. Internal videos are useful not only for training, but generally to help strengthen productivity, cooperation and communication among employees. If your HR department has not embraced video yet, you may find inspiration in the following tips, originally published by

1. Recruiting

Video can be used in recruitment in several ways. First, it can make your job offers more appealing to job seekers by showing how exactly your company looks and operates. It can also facilitate communication with candidates. Many job interviews now take place over the Internet using online cameras.

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2. Onboarding

Video may help employees who have just joined the company understand the corporate culture and processes. It is important to be both instructive and motivational. Then the videos can save managers valuable time.

3. Internal communication

Video can significantly support many types of communication such as making announcements, promoting corporate events and can even improve relationships between employees and management. Videos can also break down the boundaries between cultures by facilitating communication among members of international teams. To illustrate, just try to imagine the difference between videoconferencing and teleconferencing or, in the worst case, between videoconferencing and e-mail messages.

4. Knowledge sharing

Video is an ideal tool for sharing best practices and guidelines. It cannot demonstrate specific techniques, but employee-generated video can boost creativity and enthusiasm.

5. Corporate culture

Videos taken at various corporate events can give common corporate values a more human face. They can help you share a common culture. Simply put them on the intranet, on the corporate blog or wiki. They can also be shared via learning management systems (LMS). Recently, however, the strongest trend lies in creating independent videportals for sharing news internally where employees do not have to search for videos among many other types of content. You can imagine such a portal as your corporate YouTube.

How do you use video in your company?


Article source - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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