There is no need to include the year you graduated. Enter only the name of the schools, your field of study and the degree you earned. That will help you hide the fact that you are a fresh graduate with no experience or, on the other hand, that you are approaching retirement age. It may also help you hide the fact that you have not studied further since you graduated from high school or university.
Recruiters are interested in your experience regarding the position that is available. Omit unrelated job experience and also be careful when describing the volunteer projects you participated in. Volunteering may harm you if the organization you helped is, for some reason, in conflict with the potential employer.
Most employers automatically assume you have mastered Word, Excel and PowerPoint, so it is not necessary to list these programs. If you only list these basic programs, it will show your lack of knowledge.
If the employer requires references from your previous employers and colleagues, you will be told in advance or asked for the references later. That is why you should definitely not write "References upon request" on your CV.
For graduates, a one-page CV is recommended. Experienced professionals should write two or three pages.
Article source - career and job search blog