Google shares its HR know-how


Managers love to talk about how people are their most important asset, but they behave quite the opposite. This experience led the current HR Director of Google, Laszlo Bock, to join the field of HR. His goal was to gain greater influence so that he could affect how businesses treat people. He has been working on it for 17 years.

Since joining Google in 2006, Bock has been working hard on collecting data on how the company makes decisions and acts in HR matters. He also wrote a book entitled Work Rules! in which he described the processes of human capital management in one of the most successful companies in the world. The book had a great response worldwide.

Let's make work better together

"Waiters, lawyers, taxi drivers, executives, and small business owners alike wrote to tell me that they found the book helpful, and were now trying out practices from the book, such as structured interviewing and peer recognition, in their organizations," writes Laszlo Bock in his article entitled Let's make work better on the LinekdIn network. At the same time, however, he adds that readers wanted to know more details and practices, so he and his team just launched the website re: Work website.

The aim of the re: Work website is to share best people management practices and the latest scientific knowledge and opinions in the field of HR. The content will not be limited solely to the Google experience. It will also share stories from other companies that have something important to say.  Practical guides for HR professionals and managers are already available on the site. You can learn, for example, how to recruit, coach managers and choose the right metrics. You can also read case studies or a blog.

The content will be updated regularly and those who are interested in doing so can share their experiences and insights directly with Google's HR team via the contact form.


Article source LinkedIn Pulse - LinkedIn blogging platform
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