Having data is not enough. Do you know what to do with it?

HR departments have a large amount of workforce data but are generally unable to use it to their companies' advantage. Surveys repeatedly show that a majority of managers aren't satisfied with the data they receive from HR. Even HR people themselves see large gaps in workforce data analysis and further use.


Companies are becoming increasingly aware of the fact that proper use of workforce data is key to improving their performance. Instead of relying on analytical tools, however, they shoot blindly. The HR Zone website recently published the following recommendations on what to do with workforce data so that it can bring value to the entire organization.

Provide a single source of data across all HR processes

Different versions of data located in different places only cause inconsistencies and inaccuracies. In an extreme case, you could be paying someone who doesn't work for you. Why? Because your payroll data is not part of your HR system. Data should be integrated across all processes.

Clarify what you want to solve

Before you start collecting data, you should know the problem the data is supposed to help you solve. Clearly formulate the question of what you want the data to find out, e.g. what are the highest performing teams? How high is the average cost per hire? Only when you find out the state of the problem, can you start solving it.

Explain the importance of workforce data to top managers

Top managers are used to making strategic decisions based on financial and customer data. The strategic role of workforce data, however, still remains marginal. That must change. Teach your superiors to perceive workforce data as seriously as financial data. The only way to achieve this is to show the clear influence of workforce data analysis on finding possibilities to improve the company's business. Cooperate with the marketing department which has already mastered data analysis techniques.

Give employees access to their data

Implement tools to show them their own work-related data so that they can look for ways to work more efficiently. For example, show them how effectively they spend their working days.

Connect workforce data with other data in the company

Integration with sales and customer data is particularly important.


Article source HR Zone - British website focused on HR
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