You probably know the amount of costs associated with fluctuation in your company. But do you know why fluctuation occurs?
For example, data show that one of the major reasons is the frustration new workers experience caused by not achieving productivity as fast as they imagined. If this is the case, you should improve onboarding.
Focus on measuring what types of employees tend to leave, who should be promoted, how you should improve manager performance, collaboration and innovation.
Compare performance in positions that can be measured in money. According to Steve Jobs, innovators were 25 times higher performing, while Google even talks about a 300-fold difference. When top managers see this, you can expect more investment in recruiting for those who will bring the greatest value.
Most companies, according to Sullivan, are measuring the wrong indicators, such as the number of fans on social networks or positions in search engine listings. These criteria are not relevant for recruiting.
If you want to measure the recruitment results generated by your employer's brand, measure the number of job applications per year and compare individual year.
Do you know which parts of your recruitment process your recruiters should spend more time on? It might be the forecasting phase, but it could also be in communicating with managers. Perhaps they need more accountability.
Article source Dr. John Sullivan - internationally known HR expert