Pets at the workplace? Things to bear in mind

Many companies try to attract new employees with non-traditional benefits that were not so common in the past. Nowadays we can often encounter companies operating in a “pet-friendly” environment where employees are allowed to bring in their pets, primarily dogs. If you are thinking about implementing this benefit, you should know what to keep in mind.


Bringing pets to the workplace

Many people would do anything for their pets and the opportunity to take them along to the office at least sometimes is a very welcome and important benefit for them. But, as HR Morning states, as with any principle, here also there should be clear rules and definitions concerning the rights and obligations of the pets' owners.

Before implementing the benefit, we recommend first conducting a survey among employees about whether they would even appreciate it. If so, before implementation, you should consider the following points:

  • Written rules. Bringing pets to the workplace should not just be on the basis of a verbal agreement with the employer. It should have the form of an official, written document which is available to every employee so that no misunderstandings occur.
  • Planning. In some cases, you might want to draw up a calendar so as to avoid too many pets meeting at the workplace at once.
  • Zero tolerance. There must be zero tolerance for pets that somehow threaten, extremely soil or otherwise disrupt the workplace and bother employees or other animals.
  • Allergies. Check in advance whether some workers have allergies for the pets you plan to allow in. A solution in some cases might be to have separated sections at the workplace.
  • Insurance. Make sure you have all the necessary insurance regarding animals in your office, and also the permission of the owner of the building or work premises.
  • Banishing animals. If any pet owners behave in an irresponsible manner, such as not cleaning up after their pets or not adhering to the rules in another way, you should have a penalty system that might even result in banning some employees' pets.


Article source HR Morning - American portal for HR managers
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