6 steps towards mastering the art of giving feedback

Within HR, management and team leadership, giving feedback is a crucial tool which is necessary for working with employees. But not everyone can give feedback, be it positive or negative, in such a way that the employee will understand it and the required changes are made that will improve the efficiency of the given individual's work. Here we offer six tips on how to give feedback so it has the maximum positive effect on the employee.


Beware of emotions

Training Zone states that the most important notion is keeping emotions low. Feedback should be analytical and supported by specific arguments. If you use emotions when giving feedback, you will not achieve any positive impact.

The "sandwich" technique

The best way to give negative feedback without driving the given individual away is to use the "sandwich" technique, i.e. placing a negative comment in between two positive ones.

Immediate feedback

The best option is to give immediate feedback without delay. The closer in time the feedback is to the matter it concerns, the greater its effect.

Respecting privacy

It is necessary you gain the employee's trust when communicating with them, which is not possible without respecting their privacy and building mutual rapport. Therefore you should not discuss any details of the employee's work with anyone who is not supposed to know about it.

The core of the problem

When giving feedback, solving problems and adjusting the work of the given employee, do not remain just on the surface or deal only with symptoms. You must go to the core and deal with the fundamentals of the problem.


Feedback from a superior or from an HR department employee must not be a monologue. It should be a constructive dialogue within which the given employee must also have the opportunity to speak.



Article source Training Zone - a UK website focused on learning and development
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