Five tips on recognising whether a candidate learns well

There are certain jobs that no school or previous work experience can prepare you for. Some positions therefore require new employees undergo comprehensive training. Their ability and willingness to learn and be trained then decide how successful and productive they will be as workers. If you are seeking a quick learner who will have no trouble learning new skills through training and coaching, here are five tips on how to detect such a candidate.


Miscellaneous employment

According to, one of the main signs of adaptability and ability to learn is that the given person has miscellaneous work experience. This does not necessarily mean a large number of jobs but such jobs that differ from one another and require learning new skills.

Other activities

A quick learner who enjoys studying usually engages in numerous other activities outside work, such as various courses, sports events, hobbies, certificates and so on.

Ability to listen

For a person to be able to learn easily, they must know how to listen well. Someone who is not open to the world and fails to perceive what others are really saying must be a bad learner. So try to detect during the interview whether the given candidate responds precisely to what you have asked or, alternatively, whether they ask about things you have already mentioned but they were not paying attention.

Long-term hobbies and success in them

To avoid hiring someone who is interested in many things but does not stick to a single one of them, thus making it obvious they lack resilience and enthusiasm, you should look for a person who has adhered to at least one of their activities or hobbies for a long time and has also been successful in them.


It is impossible to learn and train oneself without being capable of self-reflection. People have to know how they operate and how best they learn. They must have a system of working on themselves; they need to know themselves and be able to apply objective criticism to themselves so that they can learn new things properly.



Article source - a U.S. career and employment website
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