Five signs that an employee wants to leave your company

There is a current shortage of good workers and companies fight for the best ones. It is therefore not surprising that if an employee does not feel sufficiently satisfied and motivated at your company, it is easy nowadays for them to find a new position. Here is a list of five signs that indicate a worker is seeking a new job and planning to leave your company.


Personal phone calls

According to HR Morning, it is obvious when a worker seeking a new job suddenly has more personal phone calls involving other companies' representatives and other people they know. If you see an employee repeatedly retreating to the conference room to make private phone calls, beware.

Days off and sick days

Attending job interviews requires time off from regular working hours. You can expect sudden requests for days off or vacation and sick days from an employee seeking new employment.

Limited socialising

Someone planning not to stay for long in a team automatically and subconsciously stops socialising with colleagues. Instead, they start to be withdrawn and no longer work on their personal brand within the collective.

Unwillingness to make long-term plans

With a sense of impending departure, the given individual ceases to create long-term strategies, plan activities or set out long-term goals.

Worse results

All the above-mentioned aspects combine to produce one final result: the employee immediately shows worse results and a reduced level of efficiency in their work.



Article source HR Morning - American portal for HR managers
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