Seven ideas for motivating employees and improving their work ethic

From time to time, everyone needs help with motivation and the same goes for employees at your company. On the part of the HR department, several steps can be taken to help motivate employees, improve their work performance and strengthen team spirit. If you are thinking about how to achieve these goals, here are seven suggestions.


This list was published by the HR Morning website.

Be interested in feedback

Many employees feel frustrated that no one listens to their opinions and ideas. You should incorporate employees' interest in feedback into your company culture. You might, for example, organise a survey among employees regarding a certain change or problem.

Set out clear goals

People work best if they have clear goals and targets to aim for and if these are also clearly communicated to them.

Organise team building

Team building events can always help strengthen the team spirit within individual departments and between them. If it has been a long time since you last organised something, now you should make amends.

Praise outstanding employees

Employees should be publicly praised for good work they have done in their job and they should be shown, even beyond just a financial reward, that the employer appreciates their efforts.

Organise smaller, one-off events

Such things as an unexpected breakfast for employees, prepared for them at the entrance to the office, or some short and simple games can very much support the spirit and performance of employees.

Support the natural strengths of employees

Every person is different and everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. Focus on individual talent and support the specific strengths of individual employees.

Offer training

Most people are naturally curious and like learning new things. This is why you should offer your employees the option of training, which also happens to be an excellent way of keeping your company competitive and professional within any new trends.



Article source HR Morning - American portal for HR managers
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