What do employees want?

It is the dream of every HR specialist to create a working environment where everyone works superbly, where all employees offer an outstanding performance, and which, above all, attracts the best possible new employees. But how do you find out what is best for employees, on what areas you should focus and what employees actually want? Here we present a list of areas you should focus on and use as a framework for conducting a survey among your current staff.


Why did new employees accept your offer?

According to HR Zone, a good starting point is to find out what your company does well and what makes it capable of attracting new clients. A valuable source of this information are recently hired employees. Talk to them, learn what made them interested in your company, what they liked and disliked about the selection process, and what now, immediately after their transfer, they see as positive and negative. Use this information to adjust not only your hiring process, but also your current working environment.

Why did the newly hired employees leave their previous jobs?

Now you can learn how things should not be done. Learn from the employees who transferred to you why they left their previous jobs. Ask them also what they liked about their previous workplace but primarily what made them change jobs.

To what extent are employees autonomous?

Although there are people who can only work if someone is telling them every second what to do, the vast majority of people need a certain freedom to work in a healthy, confident and effective way. Many companies make the mistake of micro-managing even the minutest tasks of their employees. Ask yourself what autonomy and manoeuvring space your employees have, and primarily how they themselves see this issue. Feeling restricted is a major factor which demotivates employees.

What do employees want in the non-financial area?

If you ask workers what they want, answers will mostly be connected to money. But your primary task is to find out how you can fulfil the expectations of your employees in all other areas. You might, for instance, conduct a survey among your employees concerning what they would like at the workplace, or you can secure some financial resources and let employees vote on what should be done with the money within the working environment.



Article source HR Zone - British website focused on HR
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