Definition of a good leader
According to HR Director, you must first of all define what the term “good leader” actually means in your case. Find the common traits and leadership styles that ideal managers should share. Then use this definition not only for directing and planning your activities: you should also communicate it clearly to the managers themselves so they know what is expected and demanded of them.
General rules and deeper meaning
Similar to directing the work of any worker, here too the rule is that instead of micro-management it is better to communicate some general rules and deeper meaning to individual managers. In other words, do not tell leaders exactly HOW things should be done, but rather WHAT results you want from them and let them find ways to achieve these goals that fit their personalities.
Tolerance of mistakes
The worst working environments are those where mistakes are not tolerated and no innovations are supported. To find new effective solutions and make use of the creativity of individual employees, including managers, you must offer a working environment where mistakes, failed projects and experimentation are tolerated.
Soft skills
Company management often focus in their training on hard skills of employees and treat soft skills as unnecessary relics. But often just a small change in communication, motivation of employees, leading meetings and establishing priorities can lead to significant positive changes. Therefore, management should never underestimate training in soft skills, especially when it comes to team leaders.