John Sullivan: What you should know about passive candidates


The term "passive candidate" or "passive job seeker" describes an experienced or talented person who is not actively looking for a new job, but may be ready to change the current job if he or she gets the right offer. John Sullivan focused on hiring these people in his new article on

Right at the beginning, Sullivan criticizes the terminology as unclear. "Passive candidates" are in fact neither passive nor candidates, they are the best potential employees who are currently not looking for a job - the "not-looking top prospects". But no matter what we call this group of potential employees, they can't be reached using the same channels as active job seekers. If you want to get the best people, currently working for someone else, you should understand these four basic facts.

1. These are the best employees you can ever get

The "not-looking top prospects" are top performers, powerful innovators and leaders. They can learn quickly and have skills essential for your company in the next 12 to 18 months. Another advantage is that if you can successfully hire them, you may significantly weaken your competitors when they leave. Finally, they will act as a magnet for other talent to join your business.

2. The best always work for someone

Most of the best talents and experts are employed. It is the same as in the world of sport, there is always a team that wants the best. You should take this into account and focus not only on active job seekers. If great experts are unemployed, they will usually be very active candidates and find you anyway.

3. Not only the best are "not-looking"

The best possible candidates for your vacancies represent about 10 percent of all the people working in a field. The remaining 90% are either slightly above average, average and below average workers. Approximately 20% of these are currently looking for a job, but for different reasons. They either lack incentive or have already tried and failed due to their poor performance. Therefore, it does not make sense to respond to everyone who is actively seeking jobs in your industry. Carefully choose whom to contact.

4. Feel free to focus on the best only, others will find you

If you do not want to choose from only the top 10 percent of the market, do not worry. Above average and average candidates are usually very active and they will apply for your job postings themselves.


Article source - Recruiting Intelligence. Recruiting Community.
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