Study: Global HR management trends 2015


Employee engagement is the biggest HR challenge companies are currently facing, according to this year's Deloitte study entitled Global Human Capital Trends 2015: Leading in the New World of the Work. Most organizations also struggle with trying to improve corporate culture.

The study, which involved more than 3,300 HR managers from 106 countries, is one of the largest global surveys focused on HR, talent management and leadership. It revealed 10 trends for this year. Let's take a look at the top three.

1. Engagement and corporate culture

While in 2014 employee engagement was very important for 26% of the companies surveyed, this year it was up to 50%. Sixty percent of the respondents, however, have not yet implemented a program that can measure and improve employee engagement. Only 7% of the organizations surveyed reported excellent results in measuring, managing and improving their corporate cultures.

2. Leadership

The most critical issue last year is still vital for 86% of the organizations surveyed. They realize that companies which do not continuously invest in the development of future leaders will soon fall behind the competition.

3. Employee education and development

This was considered important by 85% of organizations, 21% more than in 2014. In recent years, companies have been increasingly more interested in new learning opportunities, such as open online courses (MOOCs) and other digital educational tools, educational videos or cloud-based training systems. However, technology still can't replace the expertise of real live people. Companies are therefore trying to leverage the expertise of their own people too.

Other global HR trends for this year include flexible working arrangements, performance management, strategic roles of HR or the greater possibilities of using analytical tools.

The complete study is available for download here.


Article source Deloitte - multinational company providing audit, tax, consulting, enterprise risk and financial advisory services
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