Time Management as a ritual: Just 18 minutes a day


Many of us are starting workdays with the knowledge that we cannot meet all the challenges ahead of us. How we use your work time, is therefore a truly strategic decision. Decision or merely theoretical knowledge of the rules of effective time planning is, however, not enough. You need to create a ritual for time-efficient behavior. All it takes are three steps and 18 minutes a day.

1. Create daily plan (5 minutes in the morning)

Before turning on your computer in the morning, write down on paper the most important tasks of the day and set aside specific time blocks for them. The most demanding tasks should be scheduled to the morning. If you want something done, decide exactly where and when you do. Otherwise, delete it from your task list.

2. Restore lost concentration (1 minute every hour)

Set your watch, computer or mobile phone to ring one an hour. After the ring is, always take a deep breath, look at your list and assess whether you have effectively spent the last hour. Then, once again, concentrate on the next hour.

3. Evaluate the day (5 minutes in the afternoon)

Turn off your computer and evaluate what you have managed during the day. Were have you seen the most distractions, on the contrary? Learn to better organize your day according to it.


Article source Psychology Today - a U.S. magazine and online community focused on psychology
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