Public speech - most things can be prepared

Public performances do not have to be your nightmare. Just remember that almost all situations when you speak to a larger or smaller number of listeners can be predicted. That gives you room for preparation. Thus, how to you prepare?

Learn your speech well

Rehearse your speech until you know it almost by heart. The better you understand the topic you are going speak about the better you feel. This applies to speeches on conferences as well as to celebratory toasts.

Find friendly faces

Be careful not to look into your notes or at the screen with your presentation. Pay attention to faces in the audience and look for a friendly smile that will support you. Ideally, secure the friendly smiles in the audience in advance - talk to the people before your speech or offer them a welcome handshake at the entrance.

Inspire by stand-up comedians

They almost always know how the audience will react because they pre-tested it on small groups of spectators. Try the same thing.

Take your speech as a conversation

Involve your audience into discussion by asking questions.


Article source CBS MoneyWatch - server of the CBS media group related to management and sales
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