When did you last say "Thank You" to your employees?

Although it is often forgotten, words of thanks carry great motivational potential and should be said not just before Christmas or at the annual performance evaluation. The time that you devote to show your people that you appreciate their work is never lost.

It is not about just the word "thanks" when an employee brings the report to which you have been waiting for. It should be profound thanks for what they do for you every day. Hold the following three rules.

1. You do not have to thank personally. Face to face acknowledgment is always better but a thank-you e-mail will please employees more than if you remain silent.

2. Try to thank unexpectedly. At the end of the year or after the busiest season, it is important to thank your people. It is, however, not surprising. Why not thank your staff on the occasion of their birthday?

3. Be creative. Try to search for fun way to thank and be as personal as possible.


Article source BusinessBrief.com - a U.S. website focused on business
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