How to express constructive criticism


The ability to express criticism belongs to the basic managerial skills. It is necessary not to be harsh, which would cause excessive emotions among employees who could not perceive your message. At the same time, it is necessary to accurately identify problems and express the need for change. How to do it?

Before you decide to criticize someone's work, consider whether your criticism is appropriate. It is important to know whether the employee to be criticized just uses a different work style while achieving desired results, or whether his way of working really needs changes. When you choose to express criticism, keep the following five rules.

1. Let criticized employees to realize their mistake

Do not try to hide critical words with praise and protect your people from embarassement. Explain your views and allow them to emotionally accept their mistake.

2. Learn to communicate criticism

Be aware that different people need different approach. Highly sensitive individuals need less strong approach to not fall guilty and demotivated. Stick to the rule "act clearly and concisely".

3. First ask

Do not criticize on the basis of your impressions and unsubstantiated sources. Ask the staff involved directly how and why they did what they did. It will help you show that you do not want to attack them and that you expect them to have acted with the best intentions.

4. Be discrete

Public criticism is demeaning. Publicly criticized employees cannot focus on the communication itself becouse of their own humiliation. Therefore, always criticize in private.

5. Do not use the word "but"

Do not tell you people that "they are good, but...". Choose more direct method - announce the negative fact that you have noticed and ask why it happened.


Article source CBS MoneyWatch - server of the CBS media group related to management and sales
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