How to handle dreaded interviews

The need to tell employees that they will be released or a supplier that he did not do a good job are feared issues in managerial communication. Nevertheless, it is necessary to know how to handle difficult conversations because delaying or sugarcoating do really not help anyone. brought seven tips on how to confront the fear of challenging interviews.

1. Do not negotiate

Do not let yourself to be drawn in discussing an decided matter. Say directly that you are not going to negotiate. Keep your focus on the original topic.

2. Control your emotions

Emotionally intelligent person controls his or her emotions rationally. During the discussion, therefore, follow this rule. Whether you later select a boxing class or throwing plates, do it in private.

3. Stop sugarcoating

It is disingenuous and a people can feel it. When you keep human touch, you can communicate in any unpleasant information.

4. Check your nervousness

Give yourself and the other person room to breath, do not try to fill all silent moments with your talking. Be honest and respect the reaction of the other side. You can mention how you feel but skip your personal tales.

5. Prepare for a scene

If the other side responds in an angry way, respect it. Stay in silence and possibly even offer a handkerchief. Where an hysterical scene comes, however, notify him or her that it is inapropriate and offer space for them to calm down.

6. Cover your back

If you are really scared of the other person, take a third person with you.

7. Close the whole issue and move on

Open space to changes for improving the situation. The interview itself should not be repeated.


Article source - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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