Leaderhip: Good to Great

While good leaders surround themselves with good people, great leaders are not afraid to be surrounded by people who are even better than themselves. You have probably read this sentence in management literature or heard at a professional conference. How to implement it in practice? You must be ready to postpone your ego, jealousy and need for control. Allbusiness.com published 4 practical steps.

1. Hire the best

Give a chance to talented people and see how efficiently your business can operate. Especially small businesses and entrepreneurs should not accept only people who are thinking similarly to the owner of the company. Do not look for yes-man, take advantage of diverse opinions and approaches.

2. Develop potential leaders

Leaders who develop leadership skills of their people multiply their own effectiveness. Do not worry that it weaks your authority or position.

3. Try mentoring

There is a whole range of potential mentors around you, just look around and ask. Find  people with the skills you would like to learn as well. It need not be a formal mentoring process but e.g. a meeting over coffee or an occasional videoconference.

4. Surround yourself with success

Look for people who will inspire you to take new challenges. You will, however, need to be open to ideas sharing and potential criticism.


Article source AllBusiness - a U.S. website and community for small businesses
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