6 bogeys of networking events

Networking events may take many forms. Many people also wonder whether these events really help to get good contacts or just waste their time. Composition of participants is, however, repeating again and again. There are typical characters who go to every networking event. Hrcommunication.com described the six most common characters you should rather avoid.

Barbie and Ken

They are properly dolled up and come to see other people looking at them and feel jealous. There is, however, nothing special to be seen on them in most cases.


It is not pleasant for him to meet new people so he just grab the nearest man and do not leave him until the end of the event.

Too important man

He makes it clear that his participation to the event is an absolute waste of time. Even if you get to him, he forgets about you after five seconds.


Everyone has to start someday but this one is worse than others. He constantly talks about being at such an event for the first time and asks what to do.

Too ambitious man

He is not satisfied until shakinf all the hands and distributing all his business cards. Mostly, he talks so fast that no one understands.


Almost on every event, there is someone who drinks too much alcohol. Conversation with such a person is nothing else than a waste of time.


Article source HR Communication - American website focused on HR and internal communication
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