3 roles of succesful CFOs

Chief Financial Officers in different companies have different job descriptions. However, it appears that the best CFOs do not manage only accounting but enter into other managerial roles. Inc.com described three most important roles of as current financial directors as partners to senior management of their companies.

1. Chief Opportunity Officer

Successful CFO creates a team of analysts who develop analyses of how the company stands for individual markets and where to look for opportunities for profit growth. It serves as a basis for strategic discussions with other members of management.

2. Chief Investment Officer

Successful CFO provides financial tools and analysis to evaluate investment opportunities. He provides context for comparison of investment opportunities.

3. Chief Metrics Officer

Successful CFO provides essential data to enable management and employees make daily decisions easier. He develops communication about how various parts of the company could affect these measures and achieve higher performance.


Article source Inc.com - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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