10 obstacles to high-performing teams

Building a high-performing team is a never-ending management task that requires commitment and perseverance. You should understand that individual members are different personalities and different types of their behavior can thwart all your efforts for efficient cooperation. HRcommunication.com therefore compiled a list of ten behaviors in teamwork that should be closely monitored and ideally entirely eliminated.

  1. Closed groups of colleagues who do not accept feedback from anyone else.

  2. Manipulators who prevent the free exchange of information and manipulate others for only their own profit.

  3. "Old dogs" who have been in the company for many years and refuse anything new.

  4. False promisers who fail to live up to their own words.

  5. Competing factions with strong opposing views.

  6. Serious opponents of strategies that are effective in other companies.

  7. Egoists who do not care about the success of the whole but only about themselves.

  8. Passive aggressors whose behavior is reflected in procrastination of duties, stubbornness, petulance and repeated inability to perform their tasks.

  9. Blindness to customers and adding value to them.

  10. Managers who are not willing to adapt their "old good" management style to current times and needs.


Article source HR Communication - American website focused on HR and internal communication
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