How to turn your boss to your idea


Do you have an idea that you think would bring a positive change to your work but you are not sure how to persuade your superiors? Then you need two things - discipline and art to persuade. American consultant, coach and speaker on leadership John Baldoni advises how to manage it on his blog at

"Discipline" means answering two basic questions:

1. Does ouyr idea complement the strategic direction of your business?

When selling ideas upwards, you will need a strong business case.

2. Do you have the necessary resources to implement your idea?

Consider in advance whether your company can provide the necessary time and manpower.

Then comes the "art to persuade". That requires patience and answering two other questions:

1. Can your idea boost your company's values?

When formulating your arguments, depart from whether your idea would facilitate teamwork, improve customer service etc.

2. Will it help to improve the image of your boss?

If you can find a way to improve the image of your boss and team, your idea has a greater chance to be realized.


Article source CBS MoneyWatch - server of the CBS media group related to management and sales
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